Hand Sanitiser Unit Order Form Costcutter account number*BDM name*BDM e-mail*Store name*Store address*Store postcode*Store contact name*Store contact number*What branding would you like?*Costcutter brandingDefault/Plain brandingNumber of floor standing units—Please choose an option—12345678910Unit cost based on your selection- £[calculated floorstandingUnitCost cf7-label "(floorstanding-quantity * 295)"]Shipping cost: £[calculated floorstandingShippingCost cf7-label "(floorstanding-quantity * 35.00)"]Total floorstanding unit cost: £[calculated floorstandingTotalCost cf7-label "(floorstanding-quantity * 295.00) + (floorstanding-quantity * 35)"] Number of table-top units—Please choose an option—12345678910Unit cost based on your selection- £[calculated tabletopUnitCost cf7-label "(tabletop-quantity * 195)"]Shipping cost: £[calculated tabletopShippingCost cf7-label "(tabletop-quantity * 35.00)"]Total table-top unit cost: £[calculated tabletopTotalCost cf7-label "(tabletop-quantity * 195.00) + (tabletop-quantity * 35)"]Which hand sanitising solution/gel would you like?[select_custom solution-type include_blank "50.00|Eco HandSafe Lotion (alcohol free) - £50.00/unit: 2 x 5L " "75.00|Hand Sanitiser Gel with Aloe Vera(70% alcohol) - £75/unit: 2 x 5L"]How many units of hand sanitising solution/gel would you like?*012345678910Each unit contains 2 x 5L canisters.Unit cost based on your selection: £[calculated solutionCost cf7-label "(solution-type * solution-quantity)"] Shipping cost: £[calculated solutionShippingCost cf7-label "(solution-quantity * 11.00)"] Total solution/gel cost: £[calculated solutionTotalCost cf7-label "(solution-type * solution-quantity) + (solution-quantity * 11.00)"]Total order cost: £[calculated orderTotalCost cf7-label "(floorstanding-quantity * 295) + (floorstanding-quantity * 35)+(tabletop-quantity * 195) + (tabletop-quantity * 35)+(solution-type * solution-quantity) + (solution-quantity * 11)"]